The Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Beach is located at Rua Conceicao da Praia in the neighborhood of Commerce - City in Lower Salvador. The church is also surrounded by slopes of the mountain and the Sloth, and its main access is made Avenida Contorno. First Development The building was located near the port, situated at the foot of the mountain that connects the city to the High Low. The building is alive in the stone setter. The facade of the church is looking to the northwest, making the sun falling directly on it by the afternoon, but that does not mean, necessarily, a thermal discomfort, as the building receives a constant sea breeze. There is little natural surroundings, being restricted to the sea, some trees and shrubs in front of you at the top of the mountain behind the church. Around him there are some well preserved old houses, with business functions, showing various colors like beige, blue, yellow, causing a contrast with the place, and others in a state of depression, urgently needs restoration. The projection of the building measures approximately 2,562 meters (58.50 mx 43.80 m). The building is approximately 26 m, generating a total of almost 67 thousand cubic meters. The monument is open to the public, so that is constantly busy. In times of mass, the building is occupied almost in its entirety. Ten employees are the maintenance and daily cleaning of the church. Appearance in 1971
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